What made you realize you loved her?

We met during a white out blizzard, she had crashed into a ditch and her car disappeared in snow. I was driving by in a 4x4, just out for a rip to do some donuts and saw her red tail lights. I dug her side door out and then the front of my truck just sitting on the road because it became buried just sitting there. She sat in my truck and cried. I waited with her for four hours but no help came, even the tow trucks were stuck. She lived far away. I offered to let her stay at my place, I lived a minute away. I gave her wine to calm down. We sat on a couch beside a fireplace and just talked all night. When I woke up she was resting on my chest and we were covered in a blanket. I felt like her hero. We stayed in contact for a year, we both went through tumultuous relationships. We became friends. Then we moved closer to eachother. Then we became best friends. Her mom died and I was there. My dog died and she was there. We both lost our jobs. We stuck together throughout. We gave eachother what we could. We had a major disagreement with spending limits and living arrangements, we soon both started using drugs to cope with loss. I told her that it was best we didn't continue talking, that I couldn't deal with another toxic relationship, in the back of my mind hoping that she would refuse and say that she loved me too. I was kind of broken from my last relationship and she was too so we kept a distant, realistic silence with our feelings. She just easily agreed and it bothered me. I knew I made a mistake so I went to her mothers house to tell her that the next day. She wouldn't answer her phone but I smelled bacon so I opened the door and found her unresponsive, she overdosed the night before on sleeping pills. She fell into a coma and died on the way to the hospital but was revived. I stayed with her for a week just looking at her sleep, eating hospital pasta (it's really good). They said she was stable and that I could leave, she wasn't going to be leaving anytime soon so I took the suggestion and left without talking to her. I felt guilty, I thought I was the reason she almost died so I cut contact. 6 months later I was in a high speed side impact highway crash. The first responder was her brother. Small world, I went to highschool with him, I made fun of him sometimes. When I woke up in a hospital bed she was sobbing on my chest for a long time. I couldn't move but I knew it was her after realizing a nurse wouldn't do this. She looked at me with the most sorry, grieving eyes I've ever seen. She says, "I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you that I ever loved you because I do." I couldn't speak so I barely wrote on a piece of paper "you're all I've ever cared about." I thought to myself, in my worst condition, that I'll never be happier than without her.

She left to get me pizza. She fed me. She kissed my swollen face. I asked her to sneak me in a mickey, my vice at the time, of all things. I had become an alcoholic and was driving home from a night shift when I mistakenly thought there was something on the road, swerved and hit a guard rail and flipped my car. On her way to the liquor store she was crossing a street and was hit by a drunk driver and died, nobody helped her. I couldn't think that she changed her mind so I believed she couldn't see me in such poor condition, in bandages and castings so I didn't think much of her not returning for 3 weeks. That's when I "realized" that I loved her, while I had the time to really think about it, that she was the only person I've ever loved and I killed her with the same reasoning that made her come back to me. I can't live with this guilt so I've packed my bags. There's nothing more to say.

Kidding!. We've been chatting for 15 years and I'm meeting her in a month. We live in different countries but will sort that out. It's just not that interesting.

/r/AskWomen Thread