What makes you go from 0 to 100 real quick?

People often mistake me for an easy target. I'm small, I'm blond, I and my family have come up fairly well in the last 20 years so I look a solid middle class. The truth is that I grew up in the hood and I'm not the easy target I appear to be. On top of that, I really really despise it when people try to take advantage of me thinking it would be easy. Like I'm some dumb ass pumpkin spice yoga pants WASP who isn't going to fight back. I spent the first 16 years of my life clawing tooth and nail out of the ghetto - I've seen everything and there is no fucking way any mouth breathing fuckface in dirty jeans is going to intimidate me into anything. I work in the contracting industry and I shoot straight, I don't bullshit, and I never let one goddamn side look pass me. I ain't having it. As my thug as fuck first boyfriend once told me: "There's two kinds of girls: I wish you wouldn't girls and I wish you would girls."

I'm an I wish you would looking like an I wish you wouldn't.

/r/AskReddit Thread