What is the moment during your relationship that made you decide "I will marry you."?

Ok so I won’t be so bold to ever say I’ll ever want to get married, but as far as the moment I decided I’d probably go to the end?

I have an eye issue that makes my eyes super dry. There’s not really a reason why. I used to wear contacts more than glasses and can only wear them sometimes now, and I have to have eye drops every day multiple times a day. It’s especially bad when I wake up in the morning - my eyes are so dry it literally hurts to open them until I get some drops in, and I can scratch my eye and cause problems if I’m not careful.

I woke up at my boyfriend’s house one morning to find I had somehow lost my drops somewhere the night before. I was so sad and in pain, and he immediately offered to go buy me new ones. He got up and got dressed immediately (even though we didn’t have plans for hours) and went to get them for me, seemingly the happiest to do it, while I went back to sleep and waited. It was definitely the moment I thought “I’ll keep you”. He’s always offering to do things for me, but this time felt special.

(The time he told me some of his favorite conspiracy theories is a close second. I don’t agree at all, but I love that he believes in them. I’m not all there myself.)

/r/AskReddit Thread