What is the most disappointing movie you've ever seen?

Downvotes be damned. I'm with this guy.

On first watch, The Last Jedi isn't nearly as disappointing as watching Phantom Menace, but that's because expectations were sky high in 1999, and flat in 2017.

Rewatching The Phantom Menace is something I still do sometimes. It doesn't become a good movie with rewatching, but it's an interesting movie once you get past the initial shock and respect it for the risks it takes.

By contrast, I have zero interest in watching The Last Jedi a second time. It's never gonna happen. Disney mediocrity that entertains for the duration of its runtime and then promptly leaves my mind until their next one. Sure, it didn't make me angry like Jar Jar Binks did, but that's mostly because I have no stake in it. Like an alternate universe superhero comic, or the first time watching the last season of LOST, it feels like fake Star Wars with the some of the same characters but not really.

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