What do you think is the most NON EXOTIC, Exotic in the game?

Oh god, where to even begin?

Pulls out list.

For Titans:

Helm of Inmost Light - The benefits basically amount to more range on FoH, at the cost of making yourself a target in PVP. And PVE.

Eternal Warrior - The extra armor that Headstrong gives isn't enough to make up for what it little does: Extra DR during the animation where you're leaping and then standing back up again.

An Insurmountable Skullfort - Clearly meant to be a Striker PVP helm it's greatest use as of late is for PVE so you can have double Melting Points for WotM.

Peregrine Greaves and Stand Asides - With Shoulder Charge getting neutered because of Bungie's fears with the Jolder Artifact these niche exotics are getting chucked.

The Glasshouse - Only good in PVE in instances where your bubble is being a buff dome and only by virtue that there's nothing better that's super orientated. Still outdone by Neutral Exotics.

Empyrean Bellicose - Part of Bungie's whole superless experiement back in TTK. The experiement's over Bungie, it failed, redo the perk. Not to mention that the Warlock perk which this is copying is pretty much never taken by Warlocks and never taken here. It's too niche.

The Taikonaut - Looks ugly unless you wanna look like a 21rst century astronaut. Suffers from the same problem that Ruin Wings has; feast or famine when it comes to purple ammo drops. And only buffs Rocket Launchers.

Ruin Wings - Feast or famine. There's never an inbetween where we can basically use our Heavy like our Special weapon. What's worse is that this perk is replicated in the raid legendary gloves. Which immediately makes me ask: Why bother with these then?

Feedback Fence - The damage is crap. Would have been nifty for the thrall run in CE but the damage is crap. Could have been useful as a defense mechanism for large PVE mobs flanking you and meleeing your bum but it doesn't stun. And the damage is crap.

Crest of Alpha Lupi - Useful pretty much only in 3s, I'm not even sure if they're part of the 3s Meta anymore.

Twilight Garrison - Never saw much use in Crucible despite the heavy praise for it on the sub and after their nerf even less usage.

Dune Marchers - Faster sprint speed, faster ADS movement, and tighter sprint turns. That's it? That's an exotic perk?

For Hunters:

Arachnid - I get what's supposed to be for and what it's good for is pretty much shit. Nighthawk: Boss killer. Acolwhatever: Add nuker. Arachnid: Sniper.

Don't Touch Me - Extremely niched. Last time I saw these being used was to walk the Thrall Run in CE.

Kherpi's Sting - Also extremely niched.

Knucklehead Radar - Rewarding a bad habit. Don't spend your life ADS being you will have a shotgun placed between your buttcheeks if you do.

Skyburner's Annex - Part of Bungie's whole superless experiment back in TTK. The experiment's over Bungie, it failed, redo the perk.

Crest of Alpha Lupi - Same issues as the Titan version.

Radiant Dance Machines - Dunemarchers but worse. Also look like Lime Jello.

Bones of Eao - I might get shot down for this one but aside from the jumping puzzles in previous raids, I don't see the use for these.

Skull of Dire Ahamkara - Used to be the PVP helm to use for Voidwalkers. Better options killed it.

Obsidian Mind - Blatant reskin of a old helmet design and the Nothing Manacles blow this lazy fool out of the water.

The Ram - I just find it funny that it was designed for Voidwalkers and yet all the subclasses are using it for the extra armor.

Astrocyte Verse - I can see the point: Crucible Voidwalker Neutral exotic but a reduced CD on Blink and just a reduced CD on Blink is weak.

Purifier Robes - If it blinded on super use I could see a point. But since it's only on death it's extremely niched and thus, extremely useless.

The Impossible Machines - Not a problem with the gloves per say, but it might be but I've been noticing times where Landfall doesn't go off. I have the gloves on pretty much 24/7 and I'll activate my super and just... no Landfall. Anyone know anything more?

Apothesis Veil - Better now that it restores Grenades and Melee energy on cast but still is pushed to the wayside by better options.

Light Beyond Nemesis - Why is this a helmet instead of a chest and why isn't it called Robes of Alpha Lupi? Really breaks the theme you were setting up Bungie. Still suffers from the same problems that the Titan and Hunter versions do.

The Stag - Built seemingly JUST for Elimination the problem is, again, that it's extremely niche and just extremely useless.

Alchemist's Raiment - This is the one case where the superless build actually works. Mainly because TLALOC exists but also because Stormcaller can ping pong back and forth between Grenades and Melee. I still never saw it being used seriously by anyone with other options.

Transversive Steps - Nifty sure. The faster crouch walking only shaves off a second from zero agility no perked boots and the auto reload is only useful in specific boss burn situations where you're clustered near the ammo. I'll throw them in the eh pile as well.

Weapons: Coming up Next

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