What was the most obvious hint a girl gave you that you missed?

I work with all women. All of them give me hints. I'm married and won't concede to any of them. There hints are very obvious and yes it makes me feel very attractive that every girl here, even married ones are trying to get after me. One of them offered me her coat, they all dress really nice around me and get very jealous of each other. I haven't missed any of them. I just try to do my job the best I can. Side note, being in this predicament sucks and is cool at the same time. The moment you don't give one attention their bad mouthing you to other co workers. They will also spread rumors about you to detour any other girl liking you. It's cool but also a bit sad because most of them have boy friends and are married. Thus mentally draining because of their passivity with each other and themselves.

/r/AskReddit Thread