What was the most scary thing that has ever happened to you in real life?

A few weekends ago, I was out with my boyfriend and two of his coworkers. One coworker had recently (one week prior) broken up with her boyfriend of 4 years. He was a combat veteran with severe PTSD and a drinking problem. He’d been sober for 3 years. Immediately following the breakup, he started drinking again, and turned into an entirely different person, a scary one. So much so that she purchased a gun to protect herself from him. He also used to work with my boyfriend and the other two, so we all knew him. The night we went out, he was drunk, and he’d tried calling her, my bf, and coworker #2 a combined total of over 100 times. We stayed at a bar until last call and all went back to bf’s house, night carried on normally, other than his incessant phone calls to all three of them. Coworkers #1 and #2 went home, BF and I went to bed. BF and I wake up the next morning to a call from coworker #2 that the drunk ex had broken into coworker #1’s house and attacked her; she shot and killed him in self defense. The scary part of this story was, we learned from the police that he had gone to coworker #2’s apartment first to try and find us. BF and I are still very shaken up thinking about what would’ve happened if the crazy ex had found us at the house.

/r/AskReddit Thread