What is the most stupid conspiracy theory?

Do some research about vaccines before labeling other people. The polio “epidemic” was not an epidemic at all. In fact, the vaccine did not help cure humanity of it by any means, but actually caused more cases of the disease.

Approximately 95% of all polio cases are asymptomatic. And actually, most people that contract paralytic poliomyelitis recover with complete or near complete muscle function. When polio outbreaks were happening in the 40s and 50s, they were due to lack of clean conditions. Most of the symptoms were flu-like (nausea, slight fever, headache, etc) with a recovery time of 24-72 hrs. About 3% of all people that contracted the disease had seen limb weakness and paralysis for 2-10 days, before fully recovering. (Less than 2% of cases came with permanent paralysis).

Most fun fact of all? Thomas Salk, the scientist that created the polio vaccine testified in 1977 that “mass inoculation against polio was the cause of most polio cases throughout the USA since 1961. (Science 4/4/77 “Abstracts” ). That truly is something.

Most states saw a 650% increase in polio cases in the months trailing Salk’s vaccination. Of course this is just one disease, but realize the principal: why would one inject themselves with a disease in order to prevent themselves from getting the disease? From a logical standpoint, this is completely unsound. Do you think you can really “train” your body to fight a disease? Do you not think the body knows how to do so already?

So long story short, forget your vaccine claim and do a little more research. But most importantly, do not criticize other people for making the decision to not vaccinate. If you’re so worried about contracting polio and measles or mumps, then get your vaccine and be “safe”., but don’t tell other people how to live their lives. As far as the young and elder people who can’t “afford” to get vaccines, I say they’re better off. I have personal experience with family members receiving a vaccine and having immediate side effects and reactions that could have led to death, including my infant sister’s grand mal seizure.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent