What was the most unusual situation you have woken up to?

Growing up we lived out in the country next to a church (my dad was the pastor). Occasionally in the summers we would sleep outside with sleeping bags under the stars.

One night, when I was twelve (1998-ish), a few of us did just that, slept outside for the night. I woke up around sunrise, stumbled to the back porch attached to the kitchen to go inside. Before entering, I saw through the window that the refrigerator door was open. I thought to myself, "hm, my younger brother or sister must be awake and left the fridge door open."

I open the house door and step. I look at the fridge, and there, crouching next to it, peering in, was a man. He looked at me, stumbled in his words a little bit, and said, "oh, I was just looking for something to eat."

I said, "ok..." and just stood there, a little in shock. He pulled out some grapes and said, "is it ok if i have some grapes?" I nodded. He went to sit down at the kitchen table and started to eat. While I'm still standing in the doorway, he started talking to me a little bit. A little chit chat about the church or something, I don't really remember.

Then he asks, "can I have something to drink?" I said sure, poured him a glass of milk, and gave it to him.

We talk a little bit more, perhaps for a minute, me not really knowing what to do. I didn't really feel threatened, so I wasn't freaking out or anything. He said he had walked from some town that was over 20 miles away.

Then the weird thing happens - the phone rings, and he says "it's for me." He goes over to the phone, picks it up and starts talking. Still a little bewildered, I just stand there.

He hangs up the phone, and then says, "it's ok, you don't have to stand there watching me." And the dumbest thing I do is say, "ok" and go up to my bedroom and sit there on my bed. I didn't go tell my parents or anything. After a few minutes, a red car drives up, he hops in, and I never saw him again.

I told my parents later that morning, and they freaked out of course. We didn't notice anything missing. To this day, I have no idea why he was there, where he was from, where he was going.

/r/AskReddit Thread