What's your weird first date story?

About five or six years ago, I went out with some co-worker friends to grab drinks and "dance"-- and by that I mean I stand there and watch my friends dance.

I happened to be standing next to the women's room when a girl complemented my glasses as I moved out of the way for her. Later on, we spotted each other at the bar and talked for a good while. I must have had three or four too many, because when I stood up to leave, I nearly fell over. And I already happened to be asking for her number, so it came out of my lips mouth all awkward and tangled up. Even when I reached for my phone and looked at my screen, I was squinting because I thought the screen was so bright.

From what I remember, she rolled her eyes and took my phone. When I got my phone back, she had put her number in there and left. I assumed I came off as a weirdo and didn't even bother contacting her, since I figured I'd be a nuisance. Also I figured she put in a dummy-number.

Later that year, one of my friends convinced me to use online dating. I tried for a short while and went on one date. I starting talking to someone on there and after a while, we named a place to meet and talk.

When I put her number in my phone to contact her, a name appeared on my screen, the contact name. Me being the occasional ditz that I am thought, Oh, is this some new feature where it adds in the name? Since we're both iPhone users? I thought nothing of it because I'm an idiot.

Until I got to the date. This was clearly the girl who I talked to at the bar months ago and drunkenly asked for her number. After a few minutes of "meeting" she straight up asks "So you never called me. What's up with that?"

I was honest, and told her she seemed put off by me near the end. Especially when I was clearly drunk, so I didn't want to cause anymore trouble by trying to reach out again.

Date was over in like 20 minutes and I never heard from her again. Food was good, though.

/r/AskReddit Thread