What do I need to do to really save for retirement?

So you're saying you don't want retirement advice but want to know how to have more liquid assets for your business/living plans then.


In your original post you said you're shopping "more" and taking your lunch in "more". So more implies not always. So that's an expense you can cut.

Huh? I said I need to go grocery shopping more. How can I cut eating lunch? I think you misunderstood. I don't always take my lunch to work and I don't buy food I can cook enough. I just grab some quick stuff for a few days at a time. Those are expenses I can cut. And those are my only frivolous things. The rest of my money is strictly bills. I hardly spend my money at all.

I don't want early retirement. Just want to know what I can do. Like can I utilize my HSA more. Like max out the roth and then max out the hsa to kind of have a way to really put more tax free away. Stuff like that. I mean I am contributing to both which is another reason 15% is steep. When I am no longer renting I'll dump all I can in.. I'm wondering if I can put money in at the end of the year if I haven't maxed out at 18. So say it's December and turns out I have 2k to spare. Could I put that in my roth.

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