What is the one conspiracy theory you can't believe people think is real?

Keep in mind that I am not american and I live in Europe. Which means that I don't give a shit about your gun controls etc and the motive for this attack. I am just enjoying how easy is it for the media to manipulate people into believing this sort of bullshit... Ok that being said, remember that these attacks must be well planned by whoever is doing it, which means that it will be very difficult to have 'real proof'. BUT sometimes you just gotta think outside of the box and connect all the pieces and be sure to pay attention to the smallest details, because sometimes the smallest details counts the most. (just like the buliding 3 in 9/11 attacks). Ok anyways, what I base my scepsicms for Sandy Hook is basically the so called "crisis actors" and motherfucking Anderson Cooper, aka the antichrist. I can gladly provide you with more videos, but I don't really see a point since you ignored that laughing prick and thought it was normal behaviour for a parent after losing their kid. But this video is good too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igfczc6m5M4&t=45s

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