What only exists to fuck with us?

Point taken, but I'll take a fly over a mosquito any day. Except floating in my drink. Mosquitoes are creepy, evil, and devious, they are like mini-vampires, hanging out on your bedroom wall, in the shadows, waiting until you go to sleep... then you hear that bzzzz bzzzz around your head while he strategically locates a spot to land on you to inject you with his poison before you sucks your blood out. And once the mosquito bites you, he might inject God-knows-what into you. Like some random prostitute, you have no idea where she's been before (only females mosquitoes bite, the dudes are cool). And mosquitoes are the deadliest creature to humans in the world.

Flies are just like a relatively harmless dumb doofy annoying little dog, durrr, they just buzz around not intending to hurt you, just lookin' for a bite of food or a handout, they don't mean no harm, won't bite you (well for the most part). But I'll still destroy them too, just like a mosquito. No mercy! But even less so for a mosquito.

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