What opinion about fitness do you have that would be unpopular here or is completely opposite to fitit's general advice?

Here are some of my unpopular opinions:


  • Total calories matter far more than macros for bulking and cutting
  • Many say they are cutting when they are just fat and need to lose weight
  • If you don't monitor calories you end up using some substitute like portion size or excluding "bad" foods to control calories
  • Protein at double RDA is probably fine, maybe 0.6-0.8g/lbs, but most likely it doesn't matter except it can help with satiety
  • Most of what we "know" is repeated from internet marketers and publications that derive profit from sales of protein powder
  • Where you set your carbs and fat doesn't matter much beyond diet adherence, barring extremes
  • There is no magic set of macros or magic "eating window"
  • You can't market a diet that reads "control your calories and include some protein source with each meal"
  • Supplements are a waste of money, and none have proven benefit including vitamins, except maybe creatine
  • Consistency with a mediocre diet gets better results than a great plan without adherence
  • Higher exercise volume allows you to maintain your bodyweight with a higher calorie intake and for many increases enjoyment of life


  • Aerobic exercise has proven benefits, and while no one needs to run marathons, some LISS is healthy
  • Powerlifting, bodybuilding, gymnastics and Crossfit are sports and not required to be healthy or look good
  • Whole body lifting, 1-2 sets of 8-10 exercises performed 2-3 times per week is great for beginners and those who don't have much interest in exercise
  • Non-exercise physical activity is important, like walking
  • Choice of exercises should take into account goals and risks vs. benefits
  • No one needs to squat, deadlift, press or bench to be fit, although they can be good exercises for some people some of the time
  • Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced outside of powerlifting should not be based on how much weight you can lift


  • While internet bulletin boards aren't the place to seek medical advice, because we don't allow asking for help with injuries, we often don't see the consequences of what we recommend
  • People come to fitness at all different times in their lives and all different physical conditions, and powerlifting programs aren't the answer for many of them
/r/Fitness Thread