What do other people accept as part of life that you personally cannot tolerate?

Going to College. Sorry, I refuse. I've seen too many horror stories about people in their mid to late 20's moving back in with their parents because they can't find a job. As a result, they have defaulted on their loans worth tens or hundred thousands of dollars. I can't even find a minimum wage job and I've been looking for years. "Lack of experience" is always the reason. I was unfortunate enough to become of working age during the 2008 economic crisis and I live in an area where the crisis hit especially hard so there was a hiring freeze everywhere. It didn't help that I had to stop looking for work because my father became ill at the same time my grandmother died. The way I see it, if I can't even find the most basic minimum wage fast food job, there is no way in hell I'm getting a job with a 4 year college degree that I don't even want. Nothing interests me besides writing and there are no jobs in that field. I'm better off self-publishing on Amazon (which is what i'll be doing as of 2017). If nobody will hire me, fuck it, i'll hire myself. I flat out refuse to be a miserable fuck sitting at home with no hope. I'm taking initiative. Even if my writing doesn't make me much money, I hope to find a woman that loves me for who I am and loves my writing as well. She won't mind being the breadwinner of the household while i'll be a stay at home husband while continuing to work on my writing. Some income is better than no income. It really upsets me when some women see men who don't work as losers when I have multiple legitimate reasons as to why I don't and can't work. I'm not going to college for a job I don't want that I won't ever get. I would much rather die homeless. Defaulting on your loans and moving back in with your parents knowing that you wasted 4 years of your life with your credit ruined forever is a worse punishment than death IMO.

/r/AskReddit Thread