What parents have you met that make you think, “Yep, that kid is FUCKED”?

Pretty late to this, and I know this isn't as bad as some, but I remember one area I lived in, I would just constantly see parents out late, dressed to go party and dragging their kids along, yelling at them for not crossing the street fast enough (they were crossing at a perfectly normal little kid pace), that kind of thing

But the time I felt the worst for the kid, it had to be three or four in the morning, I was just getting back from the bar myself, on the subway, and one mom was obviously on her way back from being out partying with her kid, maybe six or seven. And this little kid is falling asleep on the train.

The mom starts SCREAMING at him to stop falling asleep. And this kid just can. Not. Keep his eyes open.

Remember, three or four in the morning. And the kid just ignored the screaming like it just happened constantly and wasn't a big deal.

And what got me was how heartless all of it was. I try not to judge, so okay maybe some convoluted circumstances happened where you ended up out later than you wanted to be with your kid. Fine, life happens. But my God why the hell do you need to scream at him to keep him awake? What could he possibly be doing wrong and how is it his fault?

If I find myself out late with my little guy, and he gets sleepy, I become a daddy pillow and I'm happy to do it. How do you scream at your kid, who's not bothering anyone, for something he literally can't control and is completely your fault?

Just made me really sad I guess. The kid just acted like being screamed at for no reason was just how life is.

/r/AskReddit Thread