What do people diagnosed with schizophrenia think of the views and beliefs of other people diagnosed with schizophrenia?

If you've had delusions (false beliefs) before, it's actually really helpful to hear other people's false beliefs. They sound so incredibly random and impossible, and it makes you realize...that's how you sound. The part of your brain that goes rogue is just as smart as the part of your brain that's logical, and will forever be supplying you with endless explanations as to why people's reasons your beliefs aren't true can't be possible, but it was hearing someone talk about the aliens in his backyard that did it for me.

Now I have a weirdness scale. If something rates above a 4/10 on the weirdness scale, I consult someone else and just rely on their judgement on whether it's real or not. I actually consulted my husband when Trump was elected. My brain will still bombard me with nonsense, but logically I'll know it's not true.

/r/AskReddit Thread