What is a really inappropriate question you would like an answer to?

...thats still giving oral.

Yes, and then you stop giving him it once you've entrapped him in a relationship.

In DJ Khaled case and men like him they NEVER give it.

Again, noted dumbass DJ Khaled acts like a dumbass. Truly I am shocked at this revelation.

It's actually interesting though, cause in Islam it's a law that a man has to pleasure his wife and make sure she orgasms every single time, or else he's getting put on the list for Jahannam (Islamic Hell) unless his wife forgives him. Yeah, Khaled's a devout Muslim.

Granted, oral isn't the only way to get women off, nor is it the easiest (Most lesbians I know mainly use toys or their hands. Their jaws start hurting pretty quickly), but still, if she wants it and he's not willing to give it...

The woman in your case have given it at some point.

To entrap someone into a soon to be loveless relationship.

I honestly don't know what's worse out of those 2 examples, tbh. Temporary pleasure only to be fooled into a loveless marriage, or not getting something you want for as long as you're in that relationship.

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