What was that rock bottom moment that made you decide to get your life together?

Waking up after a suicide attempt. I'd grown up in an abusive family. Left home at 16. Was homeless, living in a youth hostel, severely depressed, felt like I was flunking out of college. Anyway, woke up 2/3 days after an overdose, surprised to be alive and just decided to take control of my life. Went no contact with my parents, went back to college, started eating better and exercising, lost weight and eventually got off my antidepressants. 11 years later, I have 2 degrees, on my second career as an ED nurse, have a healthy relationship, amazing friends and a generally good lifestyle (pre fucking covid).

In a weird way, my suicide attempt saved me...it made me want to live. Its not all been smooth sailing and depression still bites me in the butt every now and again. And I hate to see the pain of others at the moment. Unfortunately, my nephew committed suicide 3 weeks ago...its just made me cling to those I love all the more. I think when you've seen so much death, it urges you to embrace life

/r/AskReddit Thread