What’s been on your mind that you haven’t been able to talk to anyone about?

I've sometimes seen myself as brave. Other times, only stupid. Either way, I see what you mean. The unknown is something many fear the most, yet here I am, facing it down even if in my own mind. That isn't to say that I don't fear it, no. Only that, I don't care that I do.

Even if I could come back, I'd still have no one so to speak. I'd be in the exact position I was, before walking this path, in misery.

Besides that, everything I am, is from doing what I have done. If I undid that, would I be who I was, and lose who I am? Would I no longer be brave? Or is it braver to decide that, maybe I was wrong and wiser to know, when it's time to accept the inevitable? Maybe, walking down an old path doesn't reverse anything, because you're coming from a direction you've not been from. A new direction. Sometimes, even the old can lead to something new. But, why would I?

I want to know, from you. If everything that forged you was a fire never stoked, could you imagine that? Could you imagine a life, where you don't exist?

Watching someone suffer through fire is heartbreaking for most. But at what distance is it crueler to call them back?

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