Why do people always say “You’re not funny” after I say a joke?

Can I highjack this post to talk about an example that just happened to me? Maybe it can help both of us.

What are your opinions on this?

My friends were going out to drink today, but I couldn’t because I had to stay until midnight uploading people’s lawsuits on the government’s website.

So I told them I wish I had gone with them but I couldn’t because of the already mentioned reason. And then I proceeded to make joke like this:

“Guys, please stop suing people. Start solving everything with violence. Your boss didn’t pay your rights? Trash down the office!”

I thought they would understand the sarcasm and that I obviously didn’t mean that people should file lawsuits. They know I have lots of experience with ngos and other militant stuff even.

But they didn’t. I was met with dead silent and one person just said: “they can do both.”

Was it offensive?

/r/socialskills Thread