How to seem sophisticated and high class even if you're poor?

Folks have given really good advice in terms of some of the practical steps. Might also be worth looking into what the goal is- if you’re in university there’s a wide range and large population of folks and so it doesn’t make too much sense to get into status games. Like others have said most of that money for people either comes from debt or their parents. So the better goal might be to focus on how you can have the best trajectory leading into things like internships/career.

Two things I would recommend - find creative ways to take care of yourself. Being resourceful and well researched helps a lot. But whether it’s your skin (washing and moisturizing, clothes with finding good fit, body with exercising/walking or knowledge with libraries) there are ways to do it efficiently and at limited cost. But when looking at cost make sure you’re valuing right ie a nice pair of shoes that costs more but lasts years vs stuff that breaks down every six months. - look less at sophistication/class less in terms of economics and more in terms of people, especially if this is in the context of friends and partners. Are they generous, kind, thoughtful loyal and stuff like that? Because the economic class and sophistication is the context, but the “who you/they are” aspect is the actual substance.

/r/socialskills Thread