What’s a family secret you didn’t get told until you were older that made things finally make sense?

Birth control is extremely effective, and if a woman gets pregnant while supposedly taking or on birth control, the man should have the right to contest the pregnancy if he so chooses.

I’m sure a blood test can verify if a woman was taking her birth control or not. Just like at pain clinics or patients taking adderall do urine, could do blood test, to verify if the patient was taking the birth control or not. If the woman refuses said blood test to verify or deny her taking birth control, then the man should have the right to refuse to care for the child.

“Child support is very much needed” yeah well, the woman should have thought of that before tricking the man into getting her pregnant. Using him, and trying to trap him. Giving her child support is just what she wants, that or a husband, which fuck that as well.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent