What’s a modern day poison people willingly ingest?

Take small hits and give yourself time to feel it before taking more hits, which if you're a new smoker shouldn't be a problem. Use a vape (or edibles) if you're that worried about your lungs and chest, although to be clear vapes are more expensive than a cheap pipe or some papers. Make sure you're in a comfortable place before smoking. If you aren't comfortable sober, you won't be comfortable high.

Make sure you're smoking for the right reasons–your mindset going in can make a huge difference. If you're curious what it's like to be high and want to see for yourself then you'll probably be fine. If you're only smoking due to peer pressure or to help forget/deal with some issue, then you won't have a great time (at least not for long). If you're paranoid before smoking, you'll probably be paranoid after smoking.

I was scared of getting caught, so I waited to try getting high for the first time until I was in a place where I felt completely at ease, and now it's a great memory for me instead of a cautionary tale. Also I'm gonna go ahead and say that complaining about how strong weed today is is the ultimate boomer take.

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