What’s the most badass thing you’ve said to a teacher? What was their reaction?

I don’t remember the dialogue exactly, but my U.S. Government teacher in high school straight up denied the existence of the line “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” within the First Amendment of the Constitution (quite literally the first line), so I (being an outspoken Atheist at the time) said something to the effect of, “I take it this is why you’re 80 years old and still teaching in a high school” (insinuating he wasn’t intelligent enough to teach at a college or university). I think he said something smart ass back, I don’t remember what (I was too mad and embarrassed to hear it) and walked straight out of class. I spoke directly to the principal and lodged a formal complaint. He ended up resigning a few weeks later. Whether it was related to my complaint or not, I’ll never know.

/r/AskReddit Thread