What’s the most insane rich person behaviour you’ve ever seen?

Kinda late but I’ve got a few.

For context I’m polish and my ex’s family was very rich conservative classic British. By that I mean like fuck man the life they were living just made my jaw drop every time.

Firstly, for four years they refused to acknowledge my existence because of my family’s social status. Like completely refused to acknowledge my existence in the room. Even if I stayed over night and eventually when I lived with them part time. Even went as far as to try and hook my ex up with a lad during a wedding we both attended. The guy was as snobby as they were but seemed to be the only sane person around that night.

They couldn’t get their heads around when my ex’s dedicated fridge/cupboards started filling up with polish food I was buying for us. Like it was pathetic. Also referred to my stuff around the house as my ex’s stuff basically telling their friends when they came around that X was buying men’s wear now etc. The friends played along lol.

They couldn’t understand why my ex was buying cheap stuff, why she was claiming benefits (extra income at the time) why she wouldn’t move into her dead uncles mansion they literally stole from his daughter.

Oh and also, stealing around £1M’s worth of priceless paintings dead uncle collected over the years. The paintings were meant to be donated to a homeless shelter AND also claiming his shares which were again meant to be donated and buying an island with it just because.

I always wanted to know how they made their fortune tho, even my ex didn’t know.

/r/AskReddit Thread