What’s something you never told your ex?

You didn't care about me, or at the very least you didn't show it. You abused me and I have been left with terrible feelings of insecurity and a worse amount of self doubt than I started with.

I tried to do everything to make you happy. Instead all I was doing was letting you put all the responsibilities on me. I was exhausted for four years straight. All I wanted was a tiny bit of attention back. To feel wanted and attractive to you.

I never cheated on you, you stupid bitch. I was not taking a vacation to get away from our marriage. I went to an out of state reenactment event and was hanging out with friends and you acted like I was balls deep every time it was mentioned.

Your sister and her husband coddle their child and she is going to continue being a spoiled brat unless they correct behavior.

Your mother is an Indian giver and has too many pets for their home size.

/r/AskRedditAfterDark Thread