What’s tolerated way more than it should be?

The with us or against us all or nothing mindset that has swept both sides of politics to ridiculous levels since 2015, though it got its start long before that.

Everything from economics to social issues has broken down to labels and catchphrases. "THAT POLICY IS SOCIALIST," or "YOU'RE LITERALLY A NAZI FOR THINKING THAT."

Whatever side you subscribe to, I really hope you make an effort to see beyond making everyone a fucking communist or a fucking nazi. People are individuals before they are labels like socialist of nazi.

Likewise, policies aren't socialist or capitalist, we just made names for them originally to sort them into categories. However those categories are now named labels whose worse properties are associated with them and subsequently invalidate any and all nuance associated with legislation.

If you genuinely think like this and don't want to change, go fuck yourself. This isn't a centrist thought. This is what I as an individual says. And frankly you are a bad individual should you forgo nuance for the sake of your jerking off of your beliefs. It's the equivalent of modern day tribalism and every "side" is guilty of this.

/r/AskReddit Thread