What’s with the low effort in OLD lately?

Dude, you keep assuming I'm in my 20s which I'm not. And I didn't bother reading this. The point I'm trying to make is that quality will ALWAYS trump quantity. That's it.

OK, 20s ... 30s ... same same .. it's matters little unless you're hit menopause. After that then yeah .. Interest does drop in terms of right swipes as you loose all the creeps and there are a lot of those.

The point I'm trying to make is that quality will ALWAYS trump quantity

OK, my original comment here was that online dating is hard for most guys simply due to quantity. That women are drowning in interest.

And now you add to that "not only are we drowning in men, we're also picky as hell"?

That is too controversial for a guy like me to say, but I appreciate that you add that fact!

Thanks TardyBacardi :)

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