What is secret of a happy life?

You've never even said I was wrong. Although you get pretty heated. All you've said is that I'm being "pedantic", which literally means being "precise". I'm sorry if I was spending time to showcase my point, but that's in my nature.

You're sitting on some very sketchy argumentative ground. You are taking a stance that "everyone knows what it means". I'm taking a stance that "the question misleads people". As someone who has studied argumentative language for 8 years, I can tell you that you're sitting on a rather obvious fallacy. You're never supposed to assume authorial intent or reader interpretation.

But beyond that, I could also extrapolate horrible explanations in your argument:

  1. "Who gives a shit if the question is phrased in a way that doesn't semantically make sense?"

  2. "'Your question does not make sense because it creates a falsehood so that no one can correctly answer it.' Yea, no one cares about that."

You think no one cares that a question might be misleading? It was the foundation of many statistics classes I took. You don't care that questions people ask are nonsensical?

What do you want then? A series of nonsensical questions wherein the answers could be anything at all? I come to Reddit to discuss thought provoking questions and the occasional silly cat. I don't come here to here the non sequiturs of existence. We all have interpretations of "What makes me happy". Discussing these can be quite interesting and fascinating. In fact, it's what I came here to do before you derailed me with accusations of "unneeded replies".

But the only reason I came to this thread was to bring up that point. I do not care to read someone's "happy life" advice which almost always boils down to being over generalized or too specific. It's a silly question. I stand by my response. Be rude all you want, you won't invalidate my point with answers like "who gives a shit" and "no one cares".

I happen to care quite a lot about discussions we have in our tiny private communities.

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