What have you seen genuinely shitty people do that they thought was perfectly acceptable?

My dad's parents were real assholes. Here are some examples of how shit they were:

1) They gave constant shit to my mother, yet they never were against the marriage because my mom is the daughter of veteran high ranking officer and they basically wanted the connection to the family name and the "backup money".

2) My mom's first baby died right after birth. My grandmother's reaction was "The next baby is STILL gonna be named after my husband , yes?" (They were really pushy about naming the first boy after my dad's dad... and somehow she knew it would be a boy I guess)

3) My dad used to work in Johnson and Johnson. His boss one day told him that the company wants my dad to be the manager of some stores in France (which also meant we would have to move there permanently). Here is the thing though, my grandfather had promised my dad years ago that he would inherit his bussiness (no official papers yet) and if my dad was to leave, that wouldnt be possible and it instead would go to his sister. So he discussed his dillema with grandpa and they agreed he wouldnt leave the country. My dad refused the offer and my grandfather still signed papers giving the bussiness to my aunt, completely screwing my dad in the process. (it wasnt that much later that this happened either)

4) Acoording to my Dad, when he was young he was really passionate with football. One day a scout approached him and asked if he would like to go to the football academy of one of the big teams here (which also happened to be dad's team). My grandfather said "I can pay you for education or for sports. Choose." - their finances were good by the way.

5) My grandfather's last days werent pleasant. He was hospitalised and had dimentia episodes during which his racist side would come out and on top of that he would insult my dad. Its not like he wouldnt recognize my dad, but he would shout at him saying he was a traitor for siding with "the damned Filippino, gypsy nurse" ....

6) When my dad was doing his MSc in the USA (we are European) he had to get a job as a grill cook in a local burger shop to pay for living expenses. Some days his boss would ask him to stay late at night so he could have dinner with various women he would meet, for some extra pay of course. My dad always works to have some extra money so he would stay many nights as well as do overtimes in general for that extra cash. He did that, without ever telling my grandparents. Reason? Well my grandparents thought that when working in food service industry anything below a Chéf was a shameful, low-skill job for idiots... (To all of you who have worked in such jobs I apologize for my grandfather's idiocy. Keep doing your great work and sray strong... service workers go unnapreciated sometimes)

When I think about it, it makes sense why I hadnt met his parents until I was about 7 years old, unlike my mother's side who I knew my whole life

The sad thing is despite giving troubles to my dad during their whole life, my dad still was very saddened by my grandparents' death and he still gets sad about it... and they dont really deserve it.

Fortunately my dad was never like that with me or my brother.

/r/AskReddit Thread