What small little thing can enrage you?

Preach. Now that I'm working from home it's been blissful, but back at the office I wear headphones all day long. I know my co-worker's eating schedules. I know how many times per day the person next to me chews gum like a fucking bovine. The constant yawning and sighing and throat-clearing. Kill me now.

My reaction is a combination of internal rage and disgust.

I used to think it was only "mouth sounds" that bothered me. But also things related to eating such as my co-worker clanging her metal spoon against her glass bowl to get the last morsel of oatmeal out. Every. Single. Fucking. Day. And I cannot escape it.

The bad thing is that it seems to compound on itself and I get worse as time goes on due to self-awareness of the problem.

I'm not a yawner, not a desk-eater, and I don't chew gum. I drink coffee but I'm very self-conscious and you won't hear me slurp it or set my cup down. I don't know if that's part of it but I believe it is. I wish they would show the same respect, but I'm the one with the problem, because I realize this isn't normal.

Someday I will probably be out of line and unconsciously blurt out "3:30 eh? Apple chewing time already? Usually you wait until 4."

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