What has someone tried to convince you that "It's the same thing," when it absolutely was NOT the same thing?

I lived with enough women growing up, I just can't stand this shit, my friends think I'm being unreasonable when I up and ditch relationships over that shit. I'd rather not be in a relationship than be in an abusive one, I'm comparing to the relationships my friends are currently in, one literally got guilt tripped because he had concerns about his fiance deciding to get a sex change.

The really annoying thing is that she and her best friend lie so much, the most unlikely and biggest lie she's told is that she's had a very close friend die at all the major terrorist attacks in the past 4 years, taking probability aside for someone to at least know people who were in all of them, she's very antisocial in groups and she only really hangs around with her fiance and best friend (I wouldn't be surprised if she was sleeping with him).

I seriously can't understand why people would cling onto these types of relationships, I admit I do find it easy to cut ties with people which could make my opinion bias, however can having feelings for someone who's so abusive even be normal?

  • I'm just looking for insight
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