What is something people don't realize is a privilege?

Adversity. I found my father dead at 17 (natural causes), a few years later found my step father dead from suicide, and a few years after that my wife’s brother from suicide as well. At the time I couldn’t make sense of it — there was a profound loneliness I lived with. As best as I can explain, I felt strangely exposed and saddened by mortality itself. And cleaning brain matter off a patio after emergency crews leave is a humbling experience, to be sure.

But, I can tell you, I appreciate every breath just a little more. I have come face to face with death itself. I’ve seen the vulnerability of flesh. So, being exposed to this, I love deeper, I don’t succumb to jealousy or petty anger (who really has time), and I try to make purposeful decisions to enrich my life and the lives of my family and friends. I feel like I can really “see” life for what it is, and I’m not busy wasting it on silly contrivances and distractions. In this, I really am blessed.

/r/AskReddit Thread