What is something that Reddit hates that you actually do?

I don't know if anyone will see this, but I wish to justify my belief in religion so that maybe you understand what others can't seem to communicate properly (which is what leads to such incomplete explanation).

It helps make peace with death:

I get to live a life not fearing death the way others do. I don't mind getting older because it just feels like I'm getting closer to a better life. So what if there is no afterlife, what have I lost? Nothing. I simply get to live my life with peace of mind. Have I lost anything by believing? Not really. What have I gained? Blissful ignorance. It is said by some that the highest happiness is a lack of negative emotions (fear, anger, pain). If all of it ends up being untrue, then I just disappear and have lost nothing.

I'm a better person because of it:

Even if all of it is make-believe, I still lived a comfortable life and not only did I not fear death, but I lived a better life because I fear judgement from a higher power. This forces upon me morals and values that make me a better person. Those who keep religion as it should be, which is a relationship between one and their god, (and ONLY that, while not involving anyone else) are the ones who are doing it right. It makes you a better person when you have to be good in order to achieve that afterlife I spoke of. Some people are genuinely good people who have values and honor, which I respect, but a lot of others don't. What purpose do they have to act with decency? Religion forces the worst of people to treat others properly. Again, I speak of true religion. If one follows it properly without involving anyone else, keeping to themselves about their beliefs, the only affect on others that they've had is being a good person. Even if you aren't, at least nobody sees that side of you. Fake it till you make it, right?

Backup plan?

All the sciency people (I am one, doing medical sciences) can't deny that there is a small chance of anything. Which means nobody can deny the existence of a higher power. By being religious, I fulfill the requirements of both outcomes. I've lost nothing but gained decency, and in the chance that there is an afterlife, I'm set. If there isn't, I disappear into nothingness like the rest of you. Happy ending either way, right?

In the end, you see that religion offers nothing but advantages all around. I know it is a big condition to say if done right, but that is on people, not religion. Everyone is gonna say "but ISIS". Yah, well I don't give a rat's ass about how they choose to practice religion. I am justifying my OWN, and I'd like to think I'm doing things right. I know I am sharing religion with you now, but nothing of my relationship with god. I hope now you can see why most people who choose to practice religion without involving you do so.

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