Want to see what this sub actually thinks

So I was just diagnosed about a month ago but I pretty much knew for four years prior. My psychologist said something that kinda rubbed me the wrong way. During the actual assessment he told me “a lot of the adults I assess tend to turn up the autism but I didn’t get that vibe from you” and when he called me to discuss the results, he said “most adults who think they have autism are wrong but it was the opposite here”.

I’m a female but I also can’t really mask (I can, but even with masking it’s pretty obvious to most that something is off) and I’m not conventionally attractive (I do believe this also can play into it), I think if that were the case he likely wouldn’t have diagnosed me.

I checked his reviews after those conservations (I didn’t do a ton of research prior because I was being assessed for free so it was kind of a take what you get type deal) and there were a few from females saying basically what I said above and that they weren’t diagnosed because of it. It was very strange

/r/autism Thread Parent