What subreddit do you want banned?

That is not my intention. The issue I have is when I am in any sub, no matter how far discconnected from Trump, I always get these incessant trump supporters hound on everybody. It drives me crazy.

I can see how that can be annoying, but Trump supporters are kind of butt hurt about getting put through the wringer constantly. So I'll ask for some patience when dealing with members of our group where everything comes off sounding political to them.

ASKscience: How does Global Warming Work? T_D: Climate change is a lie and you are all suckers for believing it.

Another so called hot button issue. I'd recommend you make up your own mind when it comes to that, but I'll point out that so far not a single projection of climate change has happened in the given time line.

AskReddit: How is Britain doing since Brexit? T_D: You guys should contact Trump if you want a better deal.

Again, annoying as hell. Blow off smart ass shit like this and report it to whatever mods are on that community.

The list goes on and on. If they actually stuck to their sub, that would be find, but they need to talk about how much they worship their god and it is so stupid.

The reality of that matter is that nearly a fourth of America voted for Trump... That's a minimum of 60,000,000 people, and I'm not even getting into Trump's foreign support in Russia, England, and other parts of Europe. You simply aren't going to get away from Trump supporters. Chances are several of your friends and close associates ARE Trump supporters (at least in secret). While I can't speak for everybody, our community loves bothering others and trolling because (in a good natured manner) because our candidate does as well. It's the only way we can shake people up and maybe help them see that things aren't going as well they believe they are. We don't have a choice in the manner. We see LITERAL evil infesting the world and nobody wants take responsibility or acknowledge it. So please... A little patience will go a long way.

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