What do those mini candy canes remind you of..?

A small crippled ginger bread grandfather that wanted nothing more than to have kids. Soon he found a perfect woman during the early 1940’s and they fell in love. Soon after they got married and had a few kids, but the perfect gingerbread woman passed away in the creation of their youngest daughter. The grief that cake from the death of his loved one made him abusive, he couldn’t help but blame the youngest for the death. The youngest slowly grew up knowing that she was unloved by her father for something she didn’t do. The day she turned 18 the old gingerbread man kicked her out. The youngest daughter left and went off to college to get her major in engineering. There she found her own soul mate, and soon after her graduation, they got married. As the father grew older he had time to himself and he remembered all the times he neglected his youngest daughter and felt awful for his decisions. Soon his daughter had several adorable little ginger bread children and she finally felt at home. The man left all alone and regretful of his past decisions tried to meet his grandkids but was refused entry to the house time and time again. His loneliness got more and more severe until one day his pain was overwhelming and he slowly picked up his small candy cane and walked up the several flights of stairs. Each step he had another memory of his daughter that only made him feel more guilty and regretful. As he came to the final stair on top of the roof of his large apartment building, he swung the door open and stepped outside. It was a gloomy day and the cold wind made his skin feel crisp. He hobbled over to the edge and peered down the side of the building. He let a final wave of regret flow through him as he set down his small candy cane and took his final step off the edge.

/r/AskReddit Thread