What “trends” do you fucking hate?

Clothes trends. It makes you waste a fuck load of money on unethical fast fashion brands then like a year later, you're sending all that clothes to the landfills cause it's out of fashion and now you're buying more unethical clothing to fit every new trend instead of finding your own style. Also, it's like a trend in teen girls now to dress "alternatively" which I'm all ok with, but some of them refer to themselves as punk, goth, grunge, emo, or other music-based fashions without even listening to the music and that's what makes me a little pissy. I got bullied a lot for dressing in all black and liking the music I like, but now the girls that bullied me for it are dressing like me, but still mock real emos, punks, and goths. Or aside from that, they post cringy tik toks or snaps or insta stories of them with emo music in back saying that they're "depressed" or want to be "anarchist". Like... you were literally fine last trend ago when you were decked out in ripped jeans and tie-dye and bullying the poor kids for not being able to afford the shit you wore. Very much trying to be "not like other girls" vibes. Fashion trends are fun sometimes, but that definitely doesn't mean that you should bully other people for having a different fashion taste than what is the trend.

/r/AskReddit Thread