In what way did you win/lose genetic lottery?

Win: Born with book smarts. Breezed through university when I was 13.

Loss: Born with a physique to match my book smarts and a chest with pectus excavatum.

Win: Natural talent for public speaking and making money.

Loss: 20/220 eyesight with correction so I can see neither my audiences nor what I bought with my money. Can't drive myself or navigate a city.

Win: Perfect teeth. Never had a cavity or braces.

Loss: Allergic to hundreds of things. My family jokes that I can't even download a picture of a shrimp or peanut from the internet without having an epipen handy. Frequently break out in hives for unknown reasons. Once felt sick for a day just because a guy who had been eating shrimp sat next to me on the plane.

Win: Am a very sound sleeper.

Loss: I walk around, talk and sometimes even send emails while sleeping. Once, while asleep, I sent my business partner a detailed, convoluted email with a confusing proposal that involved buying WW2 tanks and refurbishing them to be used as part of a marketing campaign.

/r/AskReddit Thread