What was the weirdest thing you’ve debated with someone?

Now, if this is a proper Who Would Win, I'd assume they aren't bloodlusted. A HP wizard wouldn't Avada Kedavra unless absolutely pushed to the brink, and a Jedi definitely wouldn't go for a Force Choke. What is most likely pertinent is that the average Jedi would have a massively faster reaction than the average wizard. The wizard would have more methods of incapacitating the Jedi, and some spells don't have projectiles. I doubt they would go for anything stronger or more creative than Expelliarmus or Stupify, one being the most common dueling spell and the other the most common self defense spell. They're both projectiles, and the Jedi will reflexively attempt to deflect it. Will it work? They can both be blocked by Shield Spell, and they can hit physical objects, after which the spells appear to dissipate (objects usually are destroyed or fly off). Based on this, I think a Jedi can block the spell, and if he has trouble closing the distance for whatever reason, may Force pull or push the wizard or his wand, which may disrupt the casting. Which definitely would make this average wizard panic or falter, rather than rolling back up and continuing the fight, because while the Jedi is trained for combat, most wizards aren't trained beyond the absolute basics that they teach in school.

Jedi 9/10 in my opinion, to account for the off chance the Stupify spell hits. That thing renders the target unconscious in one hit. But blasters shoot faster, and they're pretty lethal too. Most Jedi wouldn't have troubles with someone with a blaster.

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