What were you bullied for?

What were you bullied for?

I was underweight when I was little. Folks aren't especially-cruel to the little kids... I don't think I'd call it straight-up bullying, compared to what came later... But I was picked-on for being scrawny.

My parents' efforts at getting me to put on some weight worked a little too well, and I got fat. I was genuinely bullied for that. Lots of teasing and occasionally some physical confrontations.

As I got a little older I was bullied for not being masculine enough. I was too friendly with the other boys, didn't rough-house enough, didn't like sports enough, read too much, liked My Little Pony and She-Ra and Jem. I got called "gay" before I even understood what it meant. This was back in the '80s when that was absolutely an insult.

Through all of it, I just never fit in. I was always the weird kid. Had trouble making friends. Was generally more-comfortable sitting quietly in a corner and reading. Didn't like to socialize. Didn't want to participate. And being the weird kid earned its own harassment.

/r/AskReddit Thread