What is the wierdest thing a babysitter has done to you?

My friend was telling me a while ago that when he was 9 his babysitter legit had sex with him. Like literally he lost his virginity. He said he loved it. She said it was a game and she asked to see his penis and said that if he did it he would get to see her pussy. He said he doesn't get why bc he was 9. He had a small dick, he was literally still a child but she did it 2 more times.

He told me she got arrested when he told his older brother and he told their parents. She commited suicide bc she didn't want to get put in prison so that makes one less fucking pedo in the world.

I'll ask him any questions next time I talk to him when we play videogames. if anyone wants to know more.

/r/AskReddit Thread