What do you wish wasn’t so expensive?

A house. My wife and I both make a decent wage, work hard and full time but the thought of being able to afford a standard 3 bed 2 bath house in a fairly decent neighborhood is so far out of reach. In my area in Florida, it’s around $300K min for a decent house that’s not in the ghetto.

We currently rent $1,000 per month and our neighborhood over the years has turned into a terrible community with homelessness and dirtbags at every turn. When we moved in 2013 it was a cute quiet neighborhood, but that’s long gone.

It’s so sad seeing what the housing market was just a few years back in 2016-2017 those $300,000 houses we dream of owning were $180-$200. Now for $200K you’re buying a 2 bedroom in the ghetto ☹️

/r/AskReddit Thread