What is a woman?

What is love? What is energy?

love: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

energy: he capacity for vigorous activity; available power:

Words can have multiple definitions and the meaning of words evolve. But EVERY Word has meaning. You cant have a Word without meaning. To say a woman is a person who identifies as such is MEANINGFLESS.

“I’m that/I’m with them.” So is it behavioral or psychological?

"The definition of “women” isn’t there, but rather in the fact that there exists a group that all call themselves women and fulfill the cultural expressions that they personally attach to womanhood."

and what if someone disagrees with someone´s view of womanhood? what if the things that someone personally attach to womanhood are at odd with the things that someone else personally attach to womanhood?

Many people (most) believe that being a woman is the same as being a female and progressives and feminists shame those people for their views of womahood so this happy flower idea that everyone have their own views of womanhood is crap.

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