What do women get that men don't?

... Are you ignoring the lack of choice a man has in the decision? He has no ability to say "I can't afford to have a baby at this stage of my life" and has to bear a large financial burden, regardless of what he wants. Barely scrapping by making $2000/m, and child support will cost $500/m? Sorry, you're shit out of luck if you can't convince the mother to abort the fetus.

Imagine if you had a one-night stand that you barely remember, but seemed kinda fun, and then getting a call from the guy you slept with saying that you now owe him $500/m for 18 years or you're going to jail/will have your wages garnished until you do pay. That'd suck, right? Now picture that this guy has the ability to not force you to do that, but decides not to. Would you feel resentment towards this person and situation?

The whole issue MRAs have with abortion is the lack of choices on their end. Having no agency in a life-altering decision is pretty shitty, but I don't really see any alternative that doesn't hurt the child or restrict womens' rights. I just find it ironic that in a comment chain complaining about men that haven't thought about the views of women, women are ignoring/invalidating the views of men.

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