What was the worst physical pain you've ever felt in your life?

I hurt my right hand by punching a steel door that had been painted to look like a wooden door. I was drunk. As soon as I hit it I passed out from the pain, first and last time that had ever happened.

I woke up on the ground.

I looked down at my hand and saw that my pinkie finger's knuckle was under the knuckle for my ring finger. I popped it back into place and then threw up. My entire hand swelled like a sausage.

I'd say I broke/ dislocated, etc, but I have no idea as I never went to the doctor. I know that I had extreme pain in my fingers, hand and wrist for weeks and that I had to learn to be left handed because I couldn't use that hand for anything that required pressure or finesse.

I'm pretty sure I fractured some stuff, dislocated some stuff and sprained some stuff, but again, never found out.

/r/AskReddit Thread