What is the worst roommate experience you've ever had?

Oh God, I could write a novel on my college dorm roommate experience. It was a nightmare. I lived with three other girls (Anna, Kim and Mia) in a suite which we all had our own rooms and shared the bathroom, kitchen and living area. Like most roommate situations, things were great for about two weeks, then they slowly went down hill.

Kim and I get along the most, but she still irritates me from time to time. She's the most ditzy person I've ever met and constantly asks me stupid questions (i.e. The doctor told me that this rash I have is X, but what is it really? Please note that I'm a liberal arts major, not even a nurse or premed student). She'll use everyone's stuff like it is her own and has no respect for it; she'll take someones stuff to her boyfriends house w/o permission and tell them to go get it, use our stuff and leave it in disgusting condition, rarely contributes to cleaning because she sleeps at her boyfriends house a lot so "she shouldn't have to clean (she makes the biggest messes I've ever seen and does a shitty job cleaning them). Because we have become the closest, she's taken a "what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours" mentality towards me. She helps herself to my clothes, food and toiletries. If she has them (seldomly), she would be more than happy to share, but she uses most of her money on alcohol and take out, so it's very uneven. Now this may sound unappealing, but she is the better of my roommates. I actually enjoy her company a lot and consider her a good friend, so it doesn't irritate me as much as some random person.

Kim and I butted heads with Anna for a long time. Anna is very calculated, particular and doesn't have much of a sense of humor. Anna is also sensitive to just about every scent and noise. We have to use baking soda and vinegar only to clean or she throws a fit. She needs things to be silent ALL. THE. TIME. Oh, you want to have a friend over on a weekend afternoon? Too bad. You want to watch TV in your bedroom? Put in headphones. You want some music while you clean the room? Headphones. You don't want to sit like a stone and not make a sound while she is sleeping/napping? Too bad. One day she actually came into Anna's room and demanded that Anna and I stop talking or leave while she was taking a nap on the living room couch. Aside from those particularities, she has some weird habits that have made it uncomfortable for all of our guests. Upon moving in, I invited a childhood friend over to show him the place. When we walked in, she was jumping on a little trampoline and didn't say a word. She just stared at him and continued jumping. I introduced them and all she said was "Hi." and kept jumping and staring. He didn't come back. Now our room was very bland, so Anna offered to bring some artwork back to liven it up. This sounded nice at first, anything could have been better than our hospital-esque room. I was wrong. I returned to the room to find her taping up pieces of her elementary school art. Stuff drawn in crayon and colored pencils. She also cut out horse pictures from magazines and taped them to our wall. I was too shocked to even say anything. There's so many little Anna stories I have, but it would take all day to write them.

Later on in the year Mia moved in. Mia was great at first; she seemed very sweet and friendly. It took maybe a month to deconstruct the first impression. Mia was a mean girl; she always had something bad to say about somebody, but of course, she was always the victim. She talked down to Kim and me because we would drink occasionally, and "classy ladies don't drink." Mia was uppity as hell: always bragging about her designer clothes and the stuff her parents bought her, everything she did she described as "classy" or "elegant," but she was very quick to make snarky remarks to others like "how classy" or "that's so tacky." Mia was far from "classy," I swear every week she met a guy and described it like it was the most romantic story. She couldn't keep a guy because she was bat-shit crazy and the most childish mid-20 year old I'd ever even heard of. She constantly talked in a baby voice, she would cry about missing her mom on a regular basis in front of everyone, she always wanted to watch princess movies and build forts. If she asked us to do something with her and we said no, she would throw a tantrum and not talk to us for days. She would expect us to drop studying for our finals or whatever we happened to be in the middle of so we could help her entertain whatever random guy she was seeing that week. It had to be her way or everyone had to be as miserable as her. She constantly trash talked us all as if we weren't good roommates and were inconsiderate people. In fact, one day she brought a guy over (shocker) and I politely introduced myself and he just said "Oh, you're TacoPirate" then turned away and ignored me. She would pretend to be friends with me and all the other roommates, but would speak badly of them even to me. Mia was the most inconsiderate roommate ever; she never cleaned, was loud and annoying with the expectation of quietness from others and she never knew when to leave someone alone. Once a week I would deep clean the room on my day off, and she would make a mess where I just cleaned with food, tell me to turn my music down, then go back to watching TV in her room. She would use pads and plainly throw them into the bin w/o a bag. They would get stuck to the bathroom can, but she never dealt with it because "it's gross and cleaning bathrooms isn't for classy ladies."

I was fine living with Anna and Kim alone, sure we had our disputes, but all roommates do. It was tolerable most of the time. But as soon as Mia moved in, Anna and Mia joined forces and became the worlds most obnoxious human duo. Imagine being in a room with two five year old girls who have just been given Mt. Dew and pixie stix. That is was Anna and Mia were like together. I shit you not, one night I was woken up by the two of them scream-laughing and jumping around. I went out to see what was up and they said "Guess what? Guess what? We have a sugar high! We just ate some candy and we're sooooo hyper!!!!" These were two twenty something year girls. I was so damn irritated I just left.

Thank the heavens I am out of that situation now. Never Again.

/r/AskReddit Thread