What was the worst tantrum you have ever seen?

I once lived in an apartment which was a cesspool of various narcotics and their users in various states of fucked up, and my 20 year old brother would start off every morning with a wonderful 2 year old-esque temper tantrum. The worst instance I can recall was a day when his friend, whom he hadn't seen in a while, had stayed the night before and was quickly losing patience for the assorted bullshit and nonsense that occupied every moment of that apartment. I recall my brother and his girlfriend (once again) flipping out at eachother in the next room while about 5 of us sat in the living room and tried to tune it all out. Now, this happened about 5 times, if not more, each day. They would usually fight because he ran out of weed or smokes and would beg her for money, she'd refuse because he would never go to work to make his own money.. If his mom refused him too, WATCH OUT, the cops were probably going to be called by a fed-up neighbour. Anyway, so all of a sudden we hear the sound of a blunt object being thrown to the floor and then "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" a high pitched scream from my brother. This happened simulataneously as the bedroom door flew open and my brother ran into the living room at break neck speed, threw himself onto the floor, all while screaming nonsensically at the top of his lungs. "AHHHHHH SHE HIT ME SHE HIT ME, MY FUCKING LEG, IT'S BROKEN" he proceeds to lay on the floor moaning and sobbing for 30 minutes, we're all just sitting there watching, incredulously, as he begs us for help.. He then gets up, walks to his bedroom door and slams it as hard as possible over and over and over again, packed a bunch of his shit, went outside, walked down the street bawling, yelling "IM GOING TO A MENS SHELTER, SHE DOESNT LOVE ME IM GOING TO LIVE IN A FUCKING MENS SHELTER" all the way down the street, til the cops showed up.. (the men's shelter thing was so common that he had a bag full of his shit already packed and waiting to go each morning.) We never saw his long lost friend again. Ps it turns out he threw a knife at the wall, she dodged it, and he threw himself out the bedroom door.

/r/AskReddit Thread