What would 12 yr old you think of how you are now?

I was an obese kid that was intensely bullied by both my dad and my schoolmates. My mom was schizofrenic and was on public assistance. I believe I had undiagnosed ADHD and was told I was a bad student even when they saw no matter how hard I apied myseld all I could get was a C. I lost all that weight, became a pretty successful graphic designer and musician. I'm married to a wonderful woman who thinks I'm really hot as she says and have 2 really wonderful daughters. Im no longer talking to my abusive narcissist of a father but my relationship with my mom is pretty great all things consodered snd shes a really fantastic grandmother to my kids. I pursued my dream of living in NYC and I have a small house here now and a nice group of friends. I really really like my life. My little me, by advice of a book I read ... I hold his gamd when I go for hikes and walks. I imagine him looking up at big me and I'll be honest I'm starti g to get ready eyed just writing this. I think he'd be so happy so himself turn out okay.

/r/AskReddit Thread